Kill a process with a specific "Command Line" from command line

In Windows XP you can do this easily using WMIC, the WMI Console. From a command prompt, type the following:

wmic Path win32_process Where "CommandLine Like '%-jar selenium-server.jar%'" Call Terminate


I replaced the alias 'process' by it full path ('path win32_process') as is Aviator's port. Note: This alias may not be declared on every OS.

If you are using a Windows version which has WMIC command in it. You can try this

wmic path win32_process Where "Caption Like '%java.exe%' AND CommandLine Like '%selenium.jar%'" get ProcessId|more +1

The more +1 removes first line containing the header and prints the PID alone. If there are more than one java process containing selenium.jar then this will return one PID per line.

Simple one-liner in powershell:

(Get-WmiObject win32_process -filter "Name='java.exe' AND CommandLine LIKE '%-jar selenium-server.jar%'").Terminate()

I believe you could do this with PowerShell using Get-Process and the StartInfo.Arguments on the process you want.

$procs = Get-Process java
foreach($proc in $procs) 
    if($proc.StartInfo.Arguments -contains "-jar selenium-server.jar")
        kill $proc

(I haven't tested that completely, but you should be able to tweak it to make it work)