Ubuntu: Keep emacs in the terminal

I installed emacs on Ubuntu 10.10 using sudo apt-get install emacs-snapshot-gtk

I prefer my emacs in the terminal and everytime I emacs something, it pops up in some fancy GUI window. How do I go old-school?


Start it with:

emacs -nw

If you're using bash you can set an alias by adding to your ~/.bashrc:

alias emacs='emacs -nw'

What about installing the no X window system version:

apt-get install emacs-snapshot-nox

There's another solution to "make emacs open files quickly" - just start emacs with

emacs -f server-start

and then open every file with

emacsclient -n <file>

If you have emacs client running - this command opens text file in a moment!

To make this solution more usable you can

  1. make emacs server starting at start-up
  2. put alias ec='emacsclient -n' in ~/.bashrc
  3. If you use Krusader - you can set there emacsclient -n as a default notepad - so it opens a file with F4.