What is a term to describe something that is not necessary to begin with, but becomes so as a result of a non necessary choice?

One of the senses of entailment applies:



  1. something involved as a necessary part or consequence of something:

Long hours of work are an entailment of the job.


That (originally unnecessary) thing has now become necessary because it is incidental to the other activity (choice that you made).


incidental ADJECTIVE

2 (incidental to) Happening as a result of (an activity):

‘the ordinary risks incidental to a fireman's job’

‘For instance, a charity has to refrain from political advocacy, unless such lobbying activity is merely incidental to the charitable purpose.’

If thing A is not an inherent requirement for an overall process P, but is a requirement if you choose to implement thing B, then A is a requisite for B.

A requisite is something required to achieve a desired goal or comply with something else. For example, if you work at Joe's pizza emporium, you can make pies, but if you want to deliver the pizzas, you need a driver's license. Having a valid driver's license is a direct requisite for being a Joe's delivery driver. Furthermore, having a valid license requires having a certain level of car insurance, so having that insurance is an indirect requisite for delivering Joe's pizzas.

A possible future condition, indirect effect or result of something (e.g. a choice) is an implication.

Definition: something implied; a close connection.

Example: The newspapers discussed the implications of the president's election.