What term is used for the type of music that evokes a strong picture?

Some songs, such as Rodeo by Aaron Copland and Symphony No. 1 by Daniel Bukvich can evoke strong images in listener's ears. Rodeo has listeners imagining a wild west setting while Symphony No. 1 evokes a terrifying battle. This may require listeners to have a specific cultural background or some knowledge of the song's history before listening, but once listener's know this background, they can imagine what is happening. Although other music may evoke imagery, the composers of these two songs were very intentional and specific in what imagery they want listeners to imagine. When played at a concert, the audience is often told beforehand about the story.

Is there any term, perhaps a music genre, or word that musicologists or scholars of music use, or word from other similar creative fields that can be applied to music, to refer specifically to such music that is intentionally composed in a way that creates intended imagery for listeners?

Sample sentence: Rodeo and Symphony No. 1 are both examples of ___ music.

Music that is intended to evoke a picture in the listener's mind is termed program(me) music. Rodeo is certainly this. I'm not familiar with the symphony you mention, so I don't know whether the composer intended it to suggest a battle. The typical symphony is absolute music (written for its own sake), but some symphonies have a programme, e.g. R. Strauss's Alpine Symphony.

Funnily enough… evocative.


adj. Bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.


making you remember or imagine something pleasant: evocative music
a sound evocative of the sea


making people remember something by producing a feeling or memory in them

evocative of a picture that is wonderfully evocative of a hot, summer’s day evocative music