Cannot launch emulator on Linux (Ubuntu 15.10)

Using the that is available in your system instead of the one bundled with the android sdk solves this issue.

  • The emulator has a switch -use-system-libs to do this.

    ~/Android/Sdk/tools/emulator -avd Nexus_5_API_23 -use-system-libs

  • Alternatively you can set the ANDROID_EMULATOR_USE_SYSTEM_LIBS environment variable to 1 for your user/system. This has the benefit of making sure that the emulator will work even if you launched it from within Android Studio.

More details:

$ cd Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/libstdc++
$ mv
$ ln -s /usr/lib64/

it's worked for me

Take a look at

in particular items #3 and #19. This is a workaround rather than a true solution, but it got me moving again. You will have to adjust the command for:

  • the location of the file on your system - I used locate to find this
  • the path to the emulator executable
  • the name of your emulator

so my command was

LD_PRELOAD='/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' ~/Android/Sdk/tools/emulator -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd Nexus_5_API_21

This then launches the emulator, and you can select it in the 'Device Chooser' dialogue when you run your app.