How can I window stretch and remove the border graphics for Final Fantasy IX?

Solution 1:

The reason there are gray portions on the edges of the screen is because the steam version of the game is a PC port of a mobile port of a PS1 game. The graphics were never intended to be stretched to horizontal resolutions, and as such, the gray bars were used as a solution.

There is no official way to fix this issue. However, according to this thread on Steam, there is a tool to allow you to stretch the game to your liking - this however may result in worse visuals.

There is also the Moguri Mod, which does have the option of using Widescreen displays (while also increasing graphical quality, it uses Ultra HD graphics). It does not fully work, because it doesn't just stretch the game, and as such, hardcoded settings (like some scene transitions and in-game movies) won't be widescreen.