Is there any way to detect when nginx has completed a graceful shutdown?

Solution 1:

What about something like this?

while [ -n "$(pgrep nginx)" ]

So, the pgrep will look for any nginx processes, and the while loop will let it sit there until they are all gone. You can change some-stuff to do something useful, like sleep 1; /etc/init.d/nginx stop, so that it'll sleep for a second, then attempt to stop nginx using the init.d script. You can also put a counter in there somewhere so that you can bring out the heaving kill signals if it's taking too long.

Solution 2:

Why not use the built in flag for this?

nginx -s quit

read the second block where it has this flag explained...

Solution 3:

Based on cjc's answer, here is the bash script I created, in case anyone else comes across the same problem:

set -e

if [[ $(/usr/bin/id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "This script must be run as root."

if [ -n "$(pgrep nginx)" -a -f /var/run/ ]; then
  PID=$( cat /var/run/ )

  # Gracefully shutdown nginx
  kill -QUIT $PID

  # Wait for nginx to stop
  while [ -d "/proc/$PID" -a -f /var/run/ ]; do
    sleep 1

  # Restart nginx
  /usr/sbin/service nginx start
  echo "nginx is not running."
  exit 1