What is the best way to see objects attributes in Active Directory?

The ADSIEDIT tool from the Windows Support Tools is a great tool to "explore" the AD. The LDP tool (which is an LDAP browser) will work, too. Any LDAP browser-- GUI or command-line-- will also work. Finally, if command-line tools are your thing take a look at Joe Richards' wonderful ADFIND tool.


It's a bit unclear to me what you're looking for.

It sort of looks like you're just wanting a big flat dump of the attributes associated with some subset of your Directory objects. If that's the case I'd strongly consider looking at Joe Richards' ADFIND. It's pretty easy to dump a subset of the Directory to an LDIF format text file which you can search / view in a very "flat" format.

Open ADUC, Select View from the menu and click "Detail". This should add a Attribute Editor tab to each object.