How can I remount an NFS volume on Red Hat Linux?

Solution 1:

It sounds like you need to change the ownership of the files -- not remount the share. The files will continue to be owned by the old UID since nothing has been done about that.

As root or with sudo: find /path/to/share/. -uid $OLDUID -exec chown $USER {} \;

That said, to answer the question you can remount a share on any Linux system with the remount option to the mount command.

mount -o remount /mountpoint

Solution 2:

If your mounted points are permanent- placed in /etc/fstab - you can run mount -a to re-read fstab, which is same as a refresh.

You could also use remount in case of a temporary mount

Solution 3:

Most NFS settings cannot be changed using remount or mount -a. See 'man nfs' where you will read:

With few exceptions, NFS-specific options are not able to be modified during a remount.

As long as nothing is using the NFS share, after you have changed the settings in your /etc/fstab file you can do something like:

umount /mountpoint && mount /mountpoint

to quickly remount with new options. By using the && it will not try to mount the share again unless the umount was successful.