Is my Blood moon horde finished?

Prior to v17.4 in 7 Days to Die, the Blood Moon Horde lasted from 22:00 to 4:00. After 4:00, horde zombies stopped spawning and existing zombies reverted to normal behavior. In Alpha 17.4, I've started a new random gen single player game, and had my 7th day horde. At around 1:20am, no more zombies spawned. I know there's a limit to the number that can spawn at once, and I've seen them start wandering before, so I jumped down and ran around looking, and couldn't find a single one. I did notice, however, that the color of the moon was no longer red. I've not seen this in any patch notes that I can recall, but does the color of the moon indicate when the blood moon horde is over?

As you can see in my screenshot, the sky seems the normal horde-night orange/red color, but the moon is grey. Could this be the indicator?

enter image description here

Prior to v18.4, once you got to the final wave of Horde night, zombies would trickle in up until the end of the horde night. If you saw no zombies in a single player game after a certain point in v17.4, it was most likely because either:

  • They were spawned but stuck somewhere
  • You encountered a bug

As of v18.4, if you're using the default config, there is a limit to the number of waves that appear during a horde night. After the last wave, no additional zombies will spawn. You can, however, override this via configuration edits.