Attempting to copy scoreboard to another scoreboard in 1.12.2

Firstly, I have to use Minecraft v1.12.2 for plugin reasons. I need to use a command to copy a scoreboard, but I cant figure what I'm doing wrong. I'm using the command: /execute @a as run scoreboard players operation @s SavePoint1 = @s Scoreboard

Solution 1:

Even for information about old Minecraft versions, the Minecraft wiki is very helpful, because there is a list of revisions for every article. The first 1.13 snapshot came out in October 2017, so the most relevant revision for you would be the last one before that.

This tells you that the correct command is:

/scoreboard players operation <selector> <scoreboard> = <selector> <scoreboard>

This is actually still the exact same syntax as today.

For the /execute part the same applies, here is the old version of the "Commands/execute" article. That tells you that the syntax back then was execute @a ~ ~ ~ instead of execute as @a run today.