Build a flush 1x2 piston door in Minecraft Bedrock Edition

I am trying to build a flush piston door in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. I have two sticky pistons stacked on top of each other that are facing right, two more sticky pistons facing toward the player that are connected to the right-facing pistons. A block of choice is placed in front of the front-facing pistons. However, when I activate the first set of pistons, the blocks no longer are attached to the sticky pistons. Is there a fix to this?

Solution 1:

Although you don't quite yet have a screenshot, my visualization skills lead me to thinking you have something like this: Your Original Setup If you want to move the iron blocks, you will need to add more pistons: The Better Setup And now the wiring: This can get a bit tricky, so study the images carefully! Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 And this is what it will look like! Final Image