How to remove part of a string?
Solution 1:
My favourite way of doing this is "splitting and popping":
var str = "test_23";
// -> 23
var str2 = "adifferenttest_153";
// -> 153
split() splits a string into an array of strings using a specified separator string.
pop() removes the last element from an array and returns that element.
Solution 2:
Assuming your string always starts with 'test_'
var str = 'test_23';
Solution 3:
If you want to remove part of string
let str = "try_me";
str.replace("try_", "");
// me
If you want to replace part of string
let str = "try_me";
str.replace("try_", "test_");
// test_me
Solution 4:
Easiest way I think is:
var s = yourString.replace(/.*_/g,"_");