Maven: How to rename the war file for the project?
I have a project bird
with the following components in pom.xml
and the web module pom.xml
The web module creates a war file named web-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
How can I configure maven to build it as bird.war
You can use the following in the web module that produces the war:
. . .
This leads to a file called bird.war to be created when goal "war:war" is used.
You need to configure the war plugin:
More info here
Lookup pom.xml > project tag > build tag.
I would like solution below.
Worked for me. ^^
You can follow the below step to modify the .war file name if you are using maven project.
Open pom.xml file of your maven project and go to the tag <build></build>
In that give your desired name between this tag :
.ex. :
After deploying this .war you will be able to access url with:
http://localhost:8080/krutik/ -
If you want to access the url with slash '/' then you will have to specify then name as below:
e.x. :
After deploying this .war you will be able to access url with: