Word for everything 'around' the central game screen or core of an application?

What do you call this? Say you have a small webgame, is there one common word for things like the startscreen, registrationscreen, endscreen, options, etc.

So you have the 'Game Core' and 'XXX'. It's being used for writing an offer.

I thought about the word chrome that is sometimes used, but I have the feeling that refers more specfic to the UX elements on i.e. the game screen.

Solution 1:

Things that are not central are often called


Where you're talking about operations, things that are not the main point of it and are there only to support these peripheral features might be called:




Solution 2:

You could call that stuff the game user interface or game UI or game interface. Doing a google search on any of the above returns a ton of results.

From gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com:

UI, or User Interface, refers to the methods (keyboard control, mouse control) and interfaces (inventory screen, map screen) through which a user interacts with your game. UX, or User Experience, refers to how intuitive and enjoyable those interactions are.