Correct word when "introducing" someone to an organization

I want to tell an organization to "say" or "introduce" the staff that are supposed to take a course in our organization. The only word that comes to my mind is "introduce" which I know is wrong.

Please "introduce" the staff that will participate in the course.

Correct word when “introducing” someone to an organisation (It is in advance of the course. I want the other organisation to send the list.

From the above I would presume that the other organisation is possibly a client, and you are providing a training course or similar.

In this case. the request should be formal and polite.

Send us the list of the Guys coming is not a good option

Try something like this.

Could you please forward the details of the members of your party who will be attending the previously arranged ***** Course/course on(about****), starting on the 4th July. Please included details of any special needs or other information that you think we might need to know.

However, I know nothing of your organisation. If you are offering diving courses or advanced white water rafting. Then rather than suggesting what you need, you will have to be more definite and provide a list.

We will require the following details suggests you must give us. This should then be followed by a list or even a form for the client to provide/Complete.