Extracting files from CloneZilla images

Solution 1:

Better use the partclone utility instead:

  1. cd /home/partimag/YOURIMAGE/
  2. Depending on compression method used:
    • If the image is compressed with gzip: cat dir/hda2.ntfs-ptcl-img.gz.* | gunzip | partclone.restore --restore_raw_file -C -s - -o hda2.img
    • If the image is compressed with zstd: zstdcat dir/hda2.ntfs-ptcl-img.zst.* | partclone.restore --restore_raw_file -C -s - -o hda2.img
  3. mount -o loop hda2.img /mnt -t ntfs -o ro

Note: This needs to be done as root, since partclone requires root permissions to write the image, and the mount command will likely only work as root. For zst images you'll need to install zstd (e.g. apt install zstd)

See also CloneZilla FAQ Entry: "How can I restore those *-ptcl-img.* images into a file manually?"

Solution 2:

You should be able to mount your CloneZilla image to extract files from it. See instructions here.

  1. Prepare a large disk in Linux

  2. Say if your image is /home/partimag/YOURIMAGE/, and the image is /home/partimag/YOURIMAGE/hda1.ntfs-img.aa, hda1.ntfs-img.ab... run

     file /home/partimag/YOURIMAGE/hda1.ntfs-img.aa

    to see it's gzip, bzip or lzop image. Say it's gzip, then you can run

     cat /home/partimag/YOURIMAGE/hda1.ntfs-img.* | gzip -d -c | ntfsclone --restore-image -o hda1.img -

    Then you will have a "hda1.img" which you can mount it by

     mount -o loop -t ntfs hda1.img /mnt

    Then all the files are in /mnt/

Note: For lzo images, replace gzip -d -c with lzop -d -c

Solution 3:

I've made a video that demonstrates how to restore the full disk backup into a virtual machine. Hope it helps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ainjV3X6wqQ

Basically, what you need to do is:

  • Create a VM in VirtualBox (free)
  • Create a virtual disk image for the VM with at least the same size of the backed up disk
  • Store your clonezilla backup in an external HDD or something which can be accessed from the VM
  • Run your VM with the clonezilla ISO in its virtual drive
  • Restore the backup like you would in a real machine

Solution 4:

Taken from this article:

There are some limitations. As pointed out earlier, Clonezilla can't restore an image to a drive that is smaller than the original drive. It also doesn't allow for retrieving specific files in an image, it's the whole partition or nothing.

Since the Linux way is pretty much a lucky hack, I'd wait until this feature is officially developed for Windows.

Solution 5:

Try this software:


It looks like it could do it. 14 day trial.