Writing unit tests in Python: How do I start? [closed]

If you're brand new to using unittests, the simplest approach to learn is often the best. On that basis along I recommend using py.test rather than the default unittest module.

Consider these two examples, which do the same thing:

Example 1 (unittest):

import unittest

class LearningCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_starting_out(self):
        self.assertEqual(1, 1)

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Example 2 (pytest):

def test_starting_out():
    assert 1 == 1

Assuming that both files are named test_unittesting.py, how do we run the tests?

Example 1 (unittest):

cd /path/to/dir/
python test_unittesting.py

Example 2 (pytest):

cd /path/to/dir/

The free Python book Dive Into Python has a chapter on unit testing that you might find useful.

If you follow modern practices you should probably write the tests while you are writing your project, and not wait until your project is nearly finished.

Bit late now, but now you know for next time. :)