Usage of no ... nor [closed]

Usage of neither ... nor is well understood.

I changed the sentence (1) to the sentence (2) to give a focus on the word 'no' in front of 'data'.

(1) Data are neither generated nor transferred.

(2) No data are generated nor transferred.

Is sentence (2) is natural-sounding?

Is it grammatically correct?

Solution 1:

In a straight answer to your questions, (2) is grammatically fine, but not idiomatic.

The construction no … nor is certainly understandable but not common. On the other hand, (1), neither … nor is a long-standing clause that fits perfectly into your sentence.

Despite this, I'd go with the phrasing "Data are not generated nor transferred" which would convey the meaning just as well, while sounding idiomatic.

In the comments, people have been more concerned with your use of the (correct) plural verb with data. As Google Ngrams analysis of word usage agrees, the plural form is more common with this, a plural noun.