What is a word for "having no effect on me"?

I am looking for a word that conveys the idea of having effectual bearing on one's life apart from any held opinion. Words such as "important" or "salient" are inappropriate, as they have connotations, or at the very least, alternate definitions, with reference to one's opinion. The word "relevant" is getting there, but it fails to convey the idea that what is being spoken of has actual effect on one's life.

For example, I may care very little whom my legislative representatives are, but my congressmen have a significant impact on my life.

I don't care who wins the White House, but it is nevertheless ________ to me.

Conversely, I may care deeply that the A/C in my office be turned off on the weekend, but whether it stays on or not does not have any bearing on my life apart from any emotional distress it may cause.

I hope they turn the A/C off this weekend, but at the end of the day, it's not ________ to me.

Solution 1:

Consequential and inconsequential could be used here.

consequential: of consequence or importance, e.g. "a consequential man in his field."



"I don't care who wins the White House, but it is nevertheless consequential to me."

"I hope they turn the A/C off this weekend, but at the end of the day, it is inconsequential to me."