Trust to trustworthy is like Fired to ___worthy?

I'm looking for a single word. An example sentence would be:

Yesterday I did something at work that is _______!

Solution 1:

Taking from answer by @SGR I'd say the word is sackworthy.

A quick Google search for "sackworthy" work shown that this word is in use in context you seem to intend.

It seems a nice sounding and informative word with no undesirable connotations.

Please note though, that this word is informal and does not figure in dictionaries I searched through.

Where it is used (rarely) on the internet, this word carries alternative stated senses beddable and prone to pillage (thanks @edwin-ashworth): it may perhaps be considered unsuitable for these reasons.

Solution 2:

You could use fireable, but it sounds a little awkward when used in your exact sentence. Changing it to something like 'Yesterday I did something fireable at work' would sound more natural.

Designating an offence that, if committed, could result in the perpetrator being dismissed from his or her job.

Or, if you'd prefer something a bit more informal, you could use sackable

of or denoting an offence, infraction of rules, etc, that is sufficently serious to warrant dismissal from an employment

Collins Dictionary

Solution 3:

I like some of the other answers here better, but I believe the most accurate word would be "terminable". As in "This action is a terminable offense, do you really wish to proceed?"

Perhaps something along the lines of "termination-worthy"?