A word for "picking up extra supermarket items" [closed]

Is there a word for when you go into the supermarket to buy a single item, and you end up buying half a dozen or more things that you didn't realize you needed, or wanted?

Oxford Online defines impulse buying as:

The buying of goods without planning to do so in advance, as a result of a sudden whim or impulse.

I like jejorda's answer; I will add that you might call a single instance overbuying. From Merriam-Webster:


transitive verb
: to buy in excess of needs or demand
intransitive verb
: to make purchases beyond one's needs or in excess of one's ability to pay

So you could say something like

I ran into the store for a jug of milk, but I totally overbought and ended up with five bags of stuff.


Don't send your father to get the lemons—you know he always overbuys!