Is there an idiom to describe something that is given under the pretenses of kindness (e.g., as a gift), but which is actually not good? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

A quick answer that comes to mind is "White Elephant".

See Wikipedia White Elephant

A white elephant is a possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost, particularly that of maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness. In modern usage, it is an object, building project, scheme, business venture, facility, etc., considered expensive but without use or value.1

There is also a party game in which people set out to intentionally give each other white elephant gifts.

One might also consider

Poisoned Chalice

as suggested here, or from that same page:

A curse in disguise

It's not standard or a set phrase, but it should be easily understood.

Solution 2:

As an old trick-or-treater who got more than her fair share of those yucky chewy caramel thingies, I can suggest "dud" to describe them and other like-detested treats.

The first definition for "dud" fits this usage - per the Google dictionary:

noun: dud; plural noun: duds

  1. a thing that fails to work properly or is otherwise unsatisfactory or worthless. Ex.: "a high-grade collection, not a dud in the lot"

synonyms: failure, flop, letdown, disappointment, loss-maker; More informal washout, lemon, no-hoper, nonstarter, dead loss, clunker "their new product is a dud"

For a little historical background (from the 1960's Midwest US), Halloween candy could be broken down by "quality":

Best - "full-size" candy bars!

Next Best - "fun-size" candy bars

OK - Other candy - includes Dum-Dum suckers, Smarties, Milk Duds (do not confuse with plain, old duds!) and finally...

Duds - Aforementioned chewy caramel thingies, apples, pennies, weird, wrapped lozenges with foreign words on them, anything else that is not candy.

Edit: In usage, "Hey! The Robinsons are giving out full-size Hershey bars! Don't bother with the Fluges' - they're giving out duds!"

Solution 3:

A Poisoned Chalice.

A scheme or instrument for causing death or harm, especially one which eventually brings about the downfall of its creator; something which is initially regarded as advantageous but which is later recognized to be disadvantageous or harmful.