Word for someone who keeps a group in good shape?

Is there a word that can mean a person who keeps a group in good shape? For instance, this person (also a member of the group) makes sure group members are turning in their work on time, and emails group members to make sure everything is done properly. I don't feel like the words 'facilitator' and 'coordinator' work because it's not an official role, just a role this person kind of ends up acting as.

Example: I ended up acting as a ______ to help keep our group in tiptop shape.

Solution 1:

If the person you described is well liked among the group members, you could call him or her a self-appointed administrator.

I ended up acting as a self-appointed administrator in order to help keep our group in tiptop shape.

If the person is not well liked among the group members, I guess you could call him or her a self-appointed ramrod, a ramrod being a strict taskmaster or disciplinarian.

I ended up acting as a ramrod who whipped our little group into shape.

Other possibilities with varying valences:

  • cheerleader

  • snoopervisor (my neologism)

  • busybody

  • organizer

  • proctor

  • monitor

  • checker

  • a jack of all trades (trades would be a kind of synonym for the various tasks you took upon yourself)

  • motivator

  • overseer

  • the responsible party

  • the go-to person

  • drill sergeant

  • de facto supervisor

  • volunteer

Solution 2:

This is not a single word, but you can minimally modify your context to fit it:

take (over/up) the reins

to take control of something, especially an organization or a country

Someone who takes the reins is usually not an official leader, but assumes an informal leadership role of their own accord.

In your context:

I ended up taking the reins to help keep our group in tiptop shape.

Solution 3:

Two possibilities, albeit not single words, are de facto team leader and de facto supervisor.

From Dictionary.com:

de facto: in fact; in reality

For all intents and purposes, persons such as you describe are carrying out the role of team leader or supervisor. Even though they don't have this title officially, they act, and are treated by their coworkers, as if they did.

Of these possibilities, de facto team leader appears to fit best.

Your example:

I ended up acting as a de facto team leader to help keep our group in tiptop shape.

Solution 4:

perhaps catalyst

2: an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action

I ended up acting as a catalyst to help keep our group in tiptop shape.

I think this would be a good choice if you are trying to avoid the implication of a leadership role.

Solution 5:

Perhaps coach or unofficial coach -- someone who provides direction, guidance and encouragement as needed.