Find the relationship between these two words

I need to know the relationship of two words for a computer programming problem.

So for example, dog and cat are mammals and animals. Fork and spoon are silverware. GameCube and PlayStation are video game consoles. And so on and so on.

What are the relationship between these words? Enter and Exit. Join and Quit. Coming and Going.

I was thinking the relationship between the words above is presence. But this seems clunky to me. Does anyone have a better suggestion?

Thank you!

You're looking for hypernyms.

hypernym noun A word with a broad meaning constituting a category into which words with more specific meanings fall; a superordinate. For example, colour is a hypernym of red. - ODO

Consider the following:

  • enter and exit are forms of access;
  • join and quit are types of membership-change requests; and
  • coming and going are types of travel.