A word or term to describe someone who likes to make people look stupid [duplicate]

Consider "sophist"

The style of argument (which is all about winning, regardless of what is right or true) is called "sophistry"



adept of one-upmanship


a put-down artist

Consider the verb befuddle

To cause (someone) to be unable to think clearly; confuse:

American Heritage

Similarly dictionary.com

to confuse, as with glib statements or arguments: politicians befuddling the public with campaign promises.

If you need a noun, you could use befuddler

You might consider "intellectually dishonest," although it is not terribly catchy.

Intellectual dishonesty tends to involve the use of fallacious or manipulative tactics to defeat or make resign an opponent without approaching the opponent's argument or engaging with it in a meaningful way. It doesn't describe a type of person so much as it describes their debate habits, but as an accusation, it can be quite damning among serious academic-types.

You might also describe such a person as "disingenuous;" lacking in integrity or honesty, perhaps speaking solely towards discrediting or offending another without themselves believing or meaning what they say. Disingenuity and hypocrisy go together a lot.

Consider equivocator. It means anyone who equivocates, which is defined as

To use language that is unclear, not easily understood or explained or of doubtful advantage, genuineness or moral rectitude with the intent to deceive or mislead someone.