How to activate Steam review comments by default?

Comments on Steam reviews have been deactivated by default. If I want people to be able to comment on my review I have to click the check box to activate comments. I want all my future and past reviews to have comments activated. Is there an option to change the default to active?

Solution 1:

Steam disabled them by default because of the new data privacy laws, like the GDPR.
It got changed around the time the GDPR took effect in April 2018.

I wasn't able to find a link to an official statement on the matter by Steam itself, but did find a related message on what I think might be that particular update.

Nor was I able to find a way to fix this, but, considering the comments and the age of the links, I presume there currently is no tweak to change the setting.

Here's a Steam thread where people comment on disabling comments, in case you're interested.