Use a execute command once
I understand commands but I am fairly new to the 1.13 changes.
I am trying to make an AFK system within vanilla Minecraft.
I want to use the /execute command to execute once. I want to detect when a scoreboard objective is a certain value and print
[Player] has gone AFK
in the chat only once. This is my command at the moment,
execute as @a[scores={afk=1..}] at @s run tellraw @a {"text":"","color":"red","extra":[{"selector":"@s"},{"text":" has gone AFK.","color":"yellow"}]}
It keeps printing until the scoreboard value is reset.
1. /execute as @a[scores={afk=1..},tag=!afkMesaage] run tellraw @a <your message>
2. /tag add @a[scores={afk=1..}] afkMessage
3. /tag remove @a[scores={afk=0}] afkMessage
Command blocks:
- Repeating, Always active
- Chain, Always active
- Chain, Always active