Consequences + of + to / for

While learning some new words recently, I've come across the word "consequence" which has caused me some trouble. I understand the meaning of the word but linking it with other words is a bit problematic.

  1. I`m not sure if it could be followed by "of"

Negative consequences of fast-developing tourism...

  1. I don`t know if it should be followed by "for" or "to"

Negative consequences of fast-developing toursim for/to the enviroment and local societies

  1. Yes. Negative consequences of tourism are things that happen as a result of tourism, they are caused by tourism: overpriced restaurants, crowded beaches, pollution...
  2. for : "negative consequences for..." would indicate who is harmed or inconvenienced by the tourism: the locals, the environment

I can't think of any time I would use "consequences to"