Alternatives to "skating on thin ice"

Solution 1:

To greater or lesser degrees of risk and stupidity:

  • Walking on the edge
  • Asking for trouble
  • putting yourself at risk
  • loading up the footgun
  • skating down the edge of a razorblade
  • pissing on the third rail
  • walking/driving on the railroad tracks
  • trying to shoot the moon
  • jumping the Grand Canyon on a skateboard
  • walking a tightrope
  • operating without a net
  • playing with fire
  • licking a frozen flagpole
  • letting the bull into the china shop

Solution 2:

"On thin ice" can also refer to a situation out of your control. The proverbial skater didn't necessarily choose the thin ice but is nonetheless in a risky place. Alternatives to this connotation (branching a bit further away from consciously taking a risk):

  • Out of the frying pan, into the fire
  • Doomed
  • Writing on the wall

Solution 3:

How about "pushing your luck"?

Solution 4:

Playing a dangerous game is another alternative with a similar meaning.

Solution 5:

  • Hanging by a Thread
  • Playing Russian Roulette
  • Kissing Charlie Sheen