Does the presenter having knowledge of the Activity / Context a bad idea in the MVP pattern?

Solution 1:

It has been some time since you asked this question but I thought it would be useful to provide an answer anyway. I would strongly suggest that the presenter should have no concept of the Android Context (or any other Android classes). By completely separating your Presenter code from the Android system code you are able to test it on the JVM without the complication of mocking system components.

To achieve this I think you have three options.

Access SharedPreferences from the View

This is my least favourite of the three as accessing SharedPreferences is not a view action. However it does keep the Android system code in the Activity away from the Presenter. In your view interface have a method:

boolean isLoggedIn();

which can be called from the presenter.

Inject SharedPreferences Using Dagger

As you are already using Dagger to inject the event bus you could add SharedPreferences to your ObjectGraph and as such would get a SharedPreferences instance which has been constructed using the ApplicationContext. This was you get the them without having to pass a Context into your presenter.

The downside of this approach is that you are still passing in an Android system class (SharedPreferences) and would have to mock it when you wanted to test the Presenter.

Create a SharePreferencesRepository Interface

This is my preferred method for accessing SharedPreferences data from within a Presenter. Basically you treat SharedPreferences as a model and have a repository interface for it.

Your interface would be similar to:

public interface SharedPreferencesRepository {

    boolean isLoggedIn();

You can then have a concrete implementation of this:

public class SharedPreferencesRepositoryImpl implements SharedPreferencesRepository {

    private SharedPreferences prefs;

    public SharedPreferencesRepositoryImpl(Context context) {

        prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);

    public boolean isLoggedIn() {

        return prefs.getBoolean(Constants.IS_LOGGED_IN, false);


It is the SharedPreferencesRepository interface that you then inject with Dagger into your Presenter. This way a very simple mock can be provided at runtime during tests. During normal operation the concrete implementation is provided.

Solution 2:

This question was answered some time ago, and, assuming that the definition of MVP is what OP used in his code, the answer by @Jahnold is really good.

However, it should be pointed out that MVP is a high level concept, and there can be many implementations following MVP principles - there is more than one way to skin the cat.

There is another implementation of MVP, which is based on the idea that Activities in Android are not UI Elements, which designates Activity and Fragment as MVP presenters. In this configuration, MVP presenters have a direct access to Context.

By the way, even in the aforementioned implementation of MVP, I wouldn't use Context in order to get access to SharedPreferences in presenter - I would still define a wrapper class for SharedPreferences and inject it into presenter.

Solution 3:

Most of the domain elements, like DB or network, needs Context to be built. Thay cannot be created in View because View cannot have any knowledge about Model. They must be then created in Presenter. They can be injected by Dagger, but is it also using Context. So Context is used in Presenter xP

The hack is that if we want to avoid Context in Presenter then we can just make the constructor that is creating all these Model objects from Context and not saving it. But in my opinion, it is stupid. New JUnit in Android has access to Context.

Another hack is to make Context nullable, and in domain objects there should be mechanism to provide testing instance in case of null in context. I also don't like this hack.