Spring 3.0 MVC binding Enums Case Sensitive

Solution 1:

Broadly speaking, you want to create a new PropertyEditor that does the normalisation for you, and then you register that in your Controller like so:

 public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {

    new CaseInsensitivePropertyEditor());

Solution 2:

I think you will have to implement a Custom PropertyEditor.

Something like this:

public class ProductEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport{

    public void setAsText(final String text){


See GaryF's answer on how to bind it

Here's a more tolerant version in case you use lower case in your enum constants (which you probably shouldn't, but still):

public void setAsText(final String text){
    Product product = null;
    for(final Product candidate : Product.values()){
            product = candidate;