Need manual download latest update of gta v (pc) [closed]

I don't think there is a manual download option, as updates to the game are either distributed through Steam, or through the standalone Rockstar Warehouse. According to this Rockstar Support Article, if your download keeps failing you should try the following option:

A good first step to fixing patch download issues for GTAV is to use a new command line argument that was introduced with patch 1.30. This applies only to the standalone, Rockstar Warehouse version as the Steam version patches through Steam.

For the standalone, Rockstar Warehouse version:

  • Hit "Start", "Run", and type cmd. Hit enter.
  • Type cd c:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V in the cmd window that pops up. If you installed GTAV in a different directory, be sure to type in that directory instead. Hit enter.
  • Type GTAVLauncher.exe -verify -noChunkedDownload in this window and hit enter.

This allows the Social Club launcher to download the patch all at once instead of in chunks, which is known to fix downloading issues for certain connection types.

If this command line parameter doesn’t work for you, please double check that the following ports are open for your PC:

  • TCP Ports: 80, 443
  • UDP Ports: 6672, 61455, 61457, 61456, and 61458

GTA Online requires these ports to be open for optimal performance.