Do all cards that have abilities to play another card trigger that unit's deploy ability?

I've noticed that in most cases when a unit has an ability to search for and play another unit that it triggers the deploy ability for that unit. I would like to know, are there exceptions to this rule?

Solution 1:

The definition of the Deploy keyword is as follows

Deploy: Trigger this ability when the card is placed on the Board.

This means that as long as the card enters the board, whether it be from a spawn or card effect, it will trigger its deploy effect.

If an exception arises, it would likely be in the card text of the summoner.

Solution 2:

No (as of December 2018).

There are some cards that "Summon" another cards, for example Carantir Ar-Feiniel:

enter image description here

Which has this description:

Summon: Move automatically to he battlefield (not considered played)

So summoned cards won't have their Deploy ability activated.