Is there a name for the "one" pronoun?

Sorry if this has been asked before, but it just came to mind.

There is a name for "I", "you" and "he/she/it" - 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person respectively, but is there a name for "one"? I assume it would fit in the 2nd person category, but how would you distinguish it from "you"?

"One", in the usage you suggest, is a gender-neutral, third person, personal pronoun. This distinguishes "one" from "it" in that "one" refers specifically to an unspecified (if often implied) person, whereas using "it" is impersonal and, used in such a way, would generally be read as insulting and dehumanizing.

"One" is generally an acceptable substitute for "you" in formal writing when the second person would be inappropriate, especially academic writing, or in some styles of formal speech, but that's the full extent of its relationship to the second person.