What does the phrase 'cross-cutting initiatives' mean?

“The bold but feasible cross-cutting initiatives in this report will improve outcomes for patients with cancer, prevent cancer and increase our understanding of cancer,” said Dr. Lowy. 

Here is the link to where the phrase came from, in case any one wishes to get a wider context. The sentence was mentioned in line number 13. http://www.cancer.gov/news-events/press-releases/2016/ncab-nci-accept-brp-report

Solution 1:

cross-cutting adjective

linking traditionally separate or independent parties or interests: 

a multi-agency, cross-cutting approach on drugs.

— Collins English Dictionary –  

So the original passage means something like :

The bold but feasible initiatives in this report will require the involvement of several health-service groups. They will improve outcomes for [...]

Solution 2:

Cross-Cutting in medicine, recently, is aiming to apply basic science as is. Looking for understanding the treatment benefits while some theoretical or empirical experiences were driven from basic sciences.