LibreOffice missing certain Microsoft fonts

I don't have these fonts: times new roman, arial and calibri..., like in microsoft office? What can I do?

enter image description here

enter image description here

I just typed in terminal:

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer 

In case you are unable to install package "Microsoft Core Fonts" (as screenshot shows above), you'll need to refresh package information in order to install the package. You can do that either by issuing the command sudo apt-get update or by clicking "Reload" from Synaptic Package Manager from System -> Administrator.

While Microsoft Core Fonts will not get you "calibri" fonts to be precise. You can get your own fonts in any application by creating .fonts directory in your home folder and put TTF files of your font in this directory. Note that the directory and file name starting with the dot . is hidden by default in Unix-like family of operating systems, so you'll not be able to see the directory in your file manager (Nautilus, in your case) unless you select to show hidden files and folders by pressing Ctrl+H. Once you have pasted all the required font files in the directory you created, just log out and log in again and all your applications should show you the new fonts in their font lists.

I installed via Ubuntu Software center, didn't get the fonts, etc.

I was able to remove the package with:

sudo apt-get remove ttf-mscorefonts-installer

And then reinstall with:

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

During which I did get the prompt asking me to agree to the EULA. Now the fonts are there. No problem.