How to drag a folder to the launcher from Nautilus
How can I add a folder to the launcher for quick access to it. In this particular case I wish to drag it to the launcher.
- First create a desktop configuration file:
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/folder-shortcut.desktop
Copy and paste the following content to launch nautilus (the file explorer) with the specified folder
[Desktop Entry] Name=Home Folder Comment=Open YOURFOLDER Exec=nautilus YOURFOLDER Icon=folder Terminal=false StartupNotify=true Type=Application OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity; Categories=GNOME;GTK;Core; X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Bugzilla=GNOME X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Product=nautilus X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Component=general X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=3.0.0 X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=nautilus Actions=Window; NoDisplay=true [Desktop Action Window] Name=Open YOURFOLDER Exec=nautilus YOURFOLDER OnlyShowIn=Unity;
Replace "YOURFOLDER" with the path to your folder
Now navigate to this file graphically from nautilus and drag it to your launcher
I'm not sure if it's possible to drag and drop a folder onto your unity bar - but you can have the same functionality with a bit of editing.
Edit Nautilus .desktop file
1) In a terminal (Ctrl+ALT+T) type:gedit ~/.local/share/applications/nautilus-home.desktop
2) If this already exists, edit the following line to add your NEWFOLDER shortcut:X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts=Videos;Documents;Music;Pictures;Downloads;Dropbox;NEWFOLDER
3) Below
add a new shortcut group:X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts=Videos;Documents;Music;Pictures;Downloads;Dropbox;NEWFOLDER [NEWFOLDER Shortcut Group] Name=New Folder Exec=nautilus ~/Documents/newfolder TargetEnvironment=Unity
is the location of the shortcut you want to add.
(N.B. if this file doesn't already exist you can use a copy of mine.)
4) Type into Run prompt (ALT+F2):unity --replace
Now when you right click your home folder/nautilus shortcut you will see an extra option for new folder.
Create a new .desktop file for your folder shortcut.
1) Run gedit again:gedit ~/.local/share/applications/folder-shortcut.desktop
2) Fill in the file with a sample as follows:[Desktop Entry] Exec=nautilus Documents/newfolder Version=1.0 Name=New Folder GenericName=ew Folder X-GNOME-FullName=ew Folder Comment=Open New Folder Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-computer.png StartupNotify=true Terminal=false Type=Shortcut
2) Save the file and open the location in nautilus.
3) Drag it onto the unity bar.
4) Right click the new icon and clickKeep in Launcher
N.B. you do not need to refresh unity for this one.