How do I switch to a closer Ubuntu mirror?

After I have performed one of sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-cdt g++ procedure I found that Ubuntu is planning to download more than 400Mb and it will take more than 2 hours. It is too long. I also found that it downloads from the US:

Get:21 trusty-updates/main libservlet3.0-java 
all 7.0.52-1ubuntu0.3 [294 kB]

I'm in Europe, maybe should I somehow tell Ubuntu to download from a source located closer. How should I do that?

Solution 1:

Go to software & updates app in dash and on the first page it says Download from: set the server here

enter image description here

Set your nearest server, of course, in the dropdown.

Solution 2:

edit your /etc/apt/sources.list to contain the url of your closest mirror.


deb trusty main restricted universe

or whichever mirror you choose. change all the occurrences of to the URL of the mirror of your choice.