In an extreme hills biome, at what level does snow appear?

When traveling through an extreme hills biome, how high do you have to go for snow to appear?

Solution 1:


Extreme Hills generate snow at a height (Y axis) of 95.

The math for that is simple:

  • It has a base temp of 0.2 at sea level and below (highland biome)
  • Snow requires it to be less than 0.15
  • Temps drop by 1/600 per meter
  • you need a drop of more than 0.05 degrees
  • 1/600 * 30 = 0.05 (because 600 * 0.05 = 30)
  • 30 blocks are exactly 0.05 degrees of temp drop, so you need one more: 64 + 30 + 1 = 95
