Is it correct to use "rescued to a place"?

No. This would imply that "rescue" is a form of transport - akin to saying "flown to a safe place" or "driven to a safe place".

While driving and flying may form part of the rescue, they are not part of the definition of the word rescue, which involves changing someone's situation from "being in danger" to "being safe". The actual act of rescue might only involve moving them a very short distance - eg from being in the sea to being on a boat.

You can say that someone was "rescued from" something - eg "rescued from a flood". But we don't say that they were "rescued to" somewhere, even if the rescue involved moving them to that place.

You could say "The man was rescued and taken to a nearby hospital" for example. Saying that he was "taken to a safe place" would be assumed from the very fact that he'd been rescued, so is redundant.