identify / fingerprint a Windows Server core installation versus full

Seems like this should be easy, but I am not finding any information on how to remotely identify a Windows Server "core" installation as such, via WMI, Powershell or other method that can query lots of machines relatively quickly. I am trying to report on the percentage of servers we have running a core versus a full installation. Any ideas?

Solution 1:

Get-WmiObject -Query "Select OperatingSystemSKU from Win32_OperatingSystem"

You'll need to convert the response to Hex to compare:

  • 0C Datacenter (core installation)
  • 27 Server Datacenter without Hyper-V (core installation)
  • 0E Server Enterprise (core installation)
  • 29 Server Enterprise without Hyper-V (core installation)
  • 2A Microsoft Hyper-V Server
  • 0D Server Standard (core installation)
  • 28 Server Standard without Hyper-V (core installation)
  • 1D Web Server(core installation)

Table is based on info from