What is the opposite of "acquired taste"?

Solution 1:

Innate or congenital would fit (somewhat), but I don't like them much here. Intrinsic might work fairly well, but it's not really opposite "acquired". Congenital is; I just don't really like it for this use. I might go with natural, which has the dubious bonus of being a weak musical pun ("see sharp or be flat!").

That said, I'm not sure that Trance is not also an acquired taste. :-)

Edit: usage examples, as requested:

  • Innate specifically means something one is born with: "She had an innate talent for music."
  • Congenital tends to be used for things perceived as defects or flaws: "He was born with congenital blindness."
  • Intrinsic sets a quality apart from extrinsic (externally supplied), and often appears with the word value or worth, as in this example from the Cambridge Dictionary: "Each human being has intrinsic dignity and worth."
  • Natural can be opposed to artificial, and "acquired taste" has a sense of artificiality: "My affinity for sugary snacks is natural; coffee was an acquired taste."

Solution 2:

Popular, pop, and populist all fit as examples of opposite to "acquired taste", except that "pop music" has grown from "music with popular appeal" to a more rigidly defined genre, and Trance is not pop. Leaving aside the music discussion, consider the definitions.

popular adjective

  1. of or relating to the general public
  2. suitable to the majority: such as
    a: adapted to or indicative of the understanding and taste of the majority
      // a popular history of the war
    b: suited to the means of the majority : INEXPENSIVE
      // sold at popular prices
  3. frequently encountered or widely accepted
      // a popular theory
  4. commonly liked or approved
      // a very popular girl

Source: Merriam-Webster: popular

pop adjective

  1. POPULAR : such as
      // pop music
    a. of or relating to popular music
      // pop singer
    b. of or relating to the popular culture disseminated through the mass media
      // pop psychology
      // pop grammarians
      // pop society

Source: Merriam-Webster: pop

Populist is properly about political appeal, but in common usage, it can be used apolitically, and apply to anything: "appealing to or aimed at ordinary people". Which very much runs opposite to "acquired taste".