Can I use Wubi for manual installation?

Is it possible to use Wubi for Ubuntu 13.04? I read that it will not be supported in the official release due to some problems. Is this going to change in the future, and can we expect to see a future release with support for 13.04?

It was fixed and released for 13.04 as you can see at

This version works the same as previous versions. It seems likely that Canonical intend to completely drop it based on the message at however the message is not a true statement of facts. Wubi works fine on Windows 8 and it is available and working for 13.04. It's true it won't work with systems booting with UEFI and this includes all computers that ship with Windows 8 preinstalled.

Note... there's nothing to stop Canonical removing wubi.exe from if they really want it gone. Until then, it works fine and you can use it with the same unreliability as previous versions of Ubuntu.