Is it possible to synchronize the states of TCP proxies in real time (for real-high-availability of SLB)?

Consider that there are two server Load Balancers working in TCP proxy mode (e.g., for L7 Load Balancing). Is it possible to synchronize their states in real time so that they can be a backup for each other?

In case that one is down, the other still has all necessary states to uninterruptedly support all existing TCP connections.

I understand that this is hard, but I am wondering whether any free/commercial LB already supports this feature.

Thank you!

Solution 1:

You can use the stick-table replication that we added to HAproxy for use in the appliance.

Here is an example config: (the important bit is the peers section)

# HAProxy configuration file generated by appliance
    stats socket /var/run/haproxy.stat mode 600 level admin
    pidfile /var/run/
    log /dev/log local4
    maxconn 40000
    ulimit-n 81000
    tune.bufsize 16384
    tune.maxrewrite 1024

    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    timeout connect 4000
    timeout client 42000
    timeout server 43000
    log global

peers loadbalancer_replication
    peer lbmaster
    peer lbslave
    listen VIP_Name

You will also need to change the way that you start HAProxy: Check out the detailed documentation on peers:

Bear in mind that failover still won't be totally seamless, but your stick tables will hold the correct destination server when you have a fail over.

Solution 2:

You can use the Linux Virtual Server (LVS) framework that is present in the Linux kernel.

It supports TCP connection synchronization for transparent load balancer failover.

You can use KeepAliveD to configure both the load balancer (LVS) behavior and the failover (VRRP) behavior with connection synchronization.