How to run putty with -m command line *and* get log?

I'd like to launch putty and run my script automatically, it works, but I can't save the logs (I need them to debug)!

The way I call putty:

"D:\Some-Path\putty\PUTTY.EXE" -t -load "Server -" -l root -m "D:\Cmd\" contains two lines:

cd /full/path/
sudo bash /full/path/ "param 1" "param-2.txt" "param 3" 0

It works just fine, but if I change to get the script execution logs, ie.

sudo bash /full/path/ "param 1" "param-2.txt" "param 3" 0 > /path/_Logs/param-1.txt &

No log is saved, in fact the script isn't even executed!

I tried adding nohup before the sudo bash..., it didn't work either

Anyone knows how to fix this?

Solution 1:

With the & at the end, you put the process into the background, preventing sudo from running properly. Why did you add it if it isn't required in the non-logging version?