530 Permission Denied when trying to log onto FTP

I recently installed VSFTPD and added a user with the following commands:

useradd -G ftpusers -d /var/www someuser
passwd someuser

I also added someuser to user_list and confirmed that it does not exist in ftpusers. When I try to log in using FireFTP I get a 530 Permission Denied error. vsftpd.conf has been set to anonymous_enable=NO but when it was set to YES, I was able to successfully log in anonymously.

Am I missing something? Should I be setting ownership of /var/www or something else?

EDIT: I've tried taking root off of ftpusers but even when attempting to sign in with root I get a permission denied error. This would lead me to believe there's something wrong with my vsftpd or server configuration and not the way the user is set up.

I had the same problem and i solved by removing userlist_deny=NO in the user_list.conf file and add the same line in vsftpd.conf file, then restart the service with service vsftpd restart. I had centos 8 installed