How to make Google Chrome honor my Windows DPI setting?

Google Chrome doesn't seem to respect my DPI setting in Windows. I run at 150 DPI, but Chrome ignores that, meaning that images and text are teeeeeeny tiny.

I hit:

  • Ctrl + +
  • Ctrl + +

to zoom in. Unfortunately every new tab, or new window, defaults to the 100% teeny tiny zoom level.

Update: It's also important to note that you cannot click buttons in flash (e.g. YouTube videos), because Chrome mis-handles mouse coordinates. (Fixed 6.0.472.55)

Is it possible for either:

  • Chrome to respect my Windows dpi setting?
  • Chrome to remember my zoom preference?

Checked version:

Half fixed

While Chome still doesn't honor the Windows DPI setting, it does now remember your zoom level.

Version: 5.0.375.55

Five-Eighths Fixed

While Chrome still doesn't honor the Windows DPI setting, it does now offer a default "page zoom" option:

enter image description here

Unfortunately there is no zoom level that matches my current DPI setting: 136% (131dpi).

Version: 10.0.648.133

Zoom flag

I tried scoducks' suggestion of the new hidden dpi flag. It's truly awful. It seems to cause Chrome to simply re-scale the final rendered Window; causing text to become blurry (rather than sharper):

enter image description here

It's a known bug with Chromium, the program on which Chrome was built upon.

Be sure to star it!

Update: More up-to-date related bug report: Enable high-DPI support in Vista, Win7 and Win8

I had this question and found this answer that was posted somewhere else. Go to: chrome://flags/#high-dpi-support

It is not perfect because it isn't fully supported yet, but it is exactly what you were looking for, it fixed the problem for me. A few buttons are mis-sized, but it is much better.

Update: 9/5/2014

Chrome 37 now supports high-dpi!

For example:

  • the bookmark bar icons are scaled
  • the bookmark bar text is scaled
  • the address bar text is scaled
  • the tab icon and text is scaled
  • extension icons are scaled
  • the customize icon is scaled

Now Chrome just needs to improve its rendering speed so it's as fast as IE.

But this is a great day!

With Chrome 44.0.2403.9 dev-m (64-bit) I have a problem where only a few website are rendered extremely small. What is working for me is to use the Chrome DevTools to emulate a different device.

  • ctrl + shift + i to open the Chrome DevTools
  • ctrl + shift + m to toggle device mode on, if it isn't already on
  • In the device drop menu at the top left of the screen, select a mobile device, e.g. a tablet with a large display resolution like the Nexus 10
  • ctrl + shift + i to close the Chrome DevTools

This causes the page to be rendered normally for me, but you may need to select one of the laptop devices, after selecting one of the mobile devices, to get the page to render correctly for you.