How to create shortcut for a command in terminal? [duplicate]

The shortcuts for commands are known as aliases.
The syntax to create an alias is:

alias custom_command='original_command'  

For creating an alias for update and upgrade we should type the following in terminal,

alias update='sudo apt-get update'    

alias upgrade='sudo apt-get upgrade'  

So to create an alias for your command open the termianl and type:

alias user='ssh [email protected]'

If you want to not load the alias every time, to permanently store a alias command, do this.

Go to your home directory and press Ctrl+H to view hidden files, one of these files would be .bashrc. Open it.

Now write the following command anywhere in the mainspace:

alias custom_command='original_command' 

Your shortcut command will be stored permanently.

Aliases can take parameters. For example:

$ alias 777='sudo chmod -R 777 '
$ 777 MyFolder

will perform chmod recursively on MyFolder

Generally the answer is to alias your command, as mentioned by M.Tarun. For your example with ssh you might want to add it to your .ssh/config:

Host someName
     User user

Then call ssh with the name:

$ ssh someName

Your shell probably also has tab-completion for ssh. So you can just type ssh s and then hit Tab.

This also has the advantage that it works with other commands like scp:

$ scp some-file someName:a/path/

Whereas the alias approach would not work with this.