How to install Telegram Desktop in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS [duplicate]

I want to install Telegram Desktop software on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I have downloaded the tsetup.0.6.15.tar.xz file. Now I want to know how to proceed further.

Solution 1:

How to install Telegram Desktop in Ubuntu 14.04

Download the Telegram Desktop client and extract tsetup.0.6.15.tar.xz. You can easily do this in the file manager (nautilus). Just right-click the file and click extract here. Now you have a folder called Telegram.

Move this folder to /opt. You can do this using the file manager, but you'll need to start it with root privileges. You can do this by typing the following in a terminal: (you can find the "opt" folder in "computer")

sudo nautilus

After the move, double-click the telegram binary /opt/Telegram/Telegram. The last thing we need to do is add Telegram to the "applications" menu. This happens automatically if you right-click the icon of the running app and choose "lock to launcher".

Other options for using telegram in Linux

Telegram is also available as:

  • Google Chrome app
  • web-app
  • scope, and other platforms.

You can find different alternatives here:

Solution 2:

In your terminal type this commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install telegram